It is the historical average flux data throughout the country using road/air/fluvial networks. The data is available in the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) separated into 2 different data sources: the first includes only air mobility from the 2010 air connections report and the second includes roads and fluvial mobility from the 2016 roads and fluvial connections report. Originally the IBGE reports have the goal to analyze the relations and connexions between the Brazilian cities highlighting the principal nodes for material (people, goods, cargo) and immaterial (information, orders, money) exchanges.
From the 5 565 municipalities in Brazil, only 135 had an airport in 2010. The data shows the number of people traveling between these 135 airports and it is aggregated by binding city pairs, no matter the direction people are traveling. It also includes cargo information but this is not being considered here. The original data can be downloaded directly on the website in IBGE. Other air connection reports can be found in the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). The dictionary provided by the authors presents origin and destination columns but does not mean that this is the direction of movement, the data only provides link pairs.
The 2016 Road/Fluvial Connections survey only includes information on intercity passenger transport. It is informed of the number of vehicles per pair of locations where the direction of transport can be either from city A to city B or from B to A. Transport frequency information will be relative to the pair of municipalities, never to the municipality alone. The frequency of the data is weekly and doesn’t take into account the number of people per vehicle. For road transportation, the conventional bus may accommodate 50 people seated and the fluvial transportation may vary from 20 to 500 people per vehicle estimation based on Characterization of the Supply and Demand of River Passenger Transport in the Amazon Region. For now, is going to be used only the vehicle information without estimating the number of passengers. The original data can be downloaded on the IBGE website.
The data is available on the IBGE website and documentation is available at the 2010 air connections report and the 2016 roads and fluvial connections report.
A Python code is available on our Github directory to download the data from the IBGE website. This data doesn’t need to be updated unless a newer report is published. Additional information on data collection methods can be found in the 2010 air connections report, the 2016 roads and fluvial connections report, and Github.
The air mobility dataset has a total of 6 columns and shows a total of 227 registries (rows) and size of 13.9kB. The road/fluvial mobility dataset has a total of 7 columns and shows a total of 65 639 registries (rows) and size of 2.7Mb. A code with more details about the variables, data processing, and analysis methods is presented in our Github directory.
The data doesn’t show the direction of the flux, this means it is not possible to know if the passengers in a flight or the number of vehicles on road/fluvial transport are leaving or arriving in the city. In the case of air mobility is available the total number of passengers per year traveling between two cities, but on road/fluvial mobility is available only the average number of vehicles per week not considering the occupancy of each vehicle.